Shared or Generic Emails
Let’s face it, we are all trying to reduce the volume of email that we get. The least used phrase in the English language is probably “I wish I received more emails…”. Cutting yourself off from email, however, is about as likely as Donald Trump admitting he has a comb-over…
Rather than being rude and refusing to provide their corporate email address, many people take the soft option and just toss you a generic email address, such as [email protected] or nonchalantly refer you to their EA. The chances of an email with this type of address getting diligently passed to the intended recipient are slim to none.
In extreme cases, you may even end up getting grey or black-listed as the volume of emails going to the same address triggers off the recipient organisation’s self-defence mechanism as they mistakenly see themselves as being under attack from a spammer. And nobody likes spam, even with sausage, eggs, spam, spam, bacon and spam. Maybe the Vikings do, but when was the last time you emailed a Viking?
Deploying a tempting subject line, such as “FWD: FWD: FWD: Try this and win a million $!” can sometimes be seen as cunning way to pique curiosity and get that email passed to your target, tout-suite, but would you honestly want a client who fell for that one?
(Never try it; those cads will never give you the million. Trust us)
DAVE has a good nose around email addresses, evaluates the nature of the address and then categorises them accordingly as being direct corporate addresses or shared or generic. DAVE can also spot a personal, non-business email address (from the likes of Gmail or Hotmail accounts … you never know, someone from the late 90s may be trying to email you right now) and puts them in their right place so you know what you really have. And, if, after all of the deep thought, DAVE discovers there is no direct email address available, he will have a good think and suggest what the missing address might be in order to make it easier for you to acquire an opt-in. DAVE is made of code and so he knows how to code. DAVE’s helpful like that.