About Us

Marketing Data Fitness is your specialist clean data fitness provider.

What we do with your marketing data…

Data “fitness” is about more than just data hygiene – you want your data to be clean and fit for the purpose that you intend to use it for. It needs to be squeaky clean data. It’s a little like the analogy of trying to get up a rough mountain track in a shiny Ferrari – yes, it’s clean (and very expensive!) but it isn’t designed to get you over rough terrain.

In real-world marketing terms, this means that you need to be able to identify and ensure that your contact data is covering all your targeting criteria, such as the right industries, the right personas and the right company sizes. It’s not enough for it to simply be clean and up-to-date…

We’ve heard it called Data Cleansing, Data Wrangling, Data Scrubbing, Data Management, Data Munging, Data Washing…in fact all sorts! However, the issue is, if your data is not fit for purpose you will not gain any return on your data investment.

Our background in data cleansing

So, how did this all come about? Marketing Data Fitness traces its roots back to 2001, when Demand Flow Intelligence formed. Demand Flow Intelligence (DFI) are B2B Market Geologists who specialise in helping organisations locate and mine difficult-to-find high-value markets. DFI’s clients include existing ANZ market players and new entrants.


In locating high-value markets and providing Demand Generation services, DFI have always been highly involved with the acquisition and use of B2B marketing data, often provided by the client. Over its 20 years of providing services, DFI has endured the recurring issue that most client’s data is in fairly poor shape.


To assist the clients and lubricate the performance of campaigns, DFI developed a set of data tools to help rapidly clean-up and regularize client data. These tools have now been combined into a single data fitness platform called DAVE – Data Accuracy Verification Engine.


As DAVE became popularised, it became evident that the need for Data Fitness services extended beyond DFI’s traditional market of high-value B2B sales. A second and most important realisation was that Contact data integrity had the propensity to rapidly decline over a relatively short time and that a recurring service was needed to help clients keep on top of things.


To service the broader global market and provide Data Fitness as a Service, Marketing Data Fitness was launched in 2020, structured to focus on this specialised and rapidly growing niche.

Ready to find out more

If you’re ready for your data to be fighting fit, sporting some extra muscle and fully compliant with your data policy, contact us and let’s make your data deliver.