Emailing The Wrong People Because Of No Persona Segmentation
Here’s a problem: your “spam cannons” (also known as Marketing Automation platforms) spray out your latest marketing efforts to anyone who has opted in with you. You would love to be a little more targeted, but you haven’t been able to easily segment your targets by department and seniority. Why not?
Persona Segmentation Failure
The probable cause is that those handy segmentation fields in your CRM for the Functional Area (Department) and Seniority haven’t been completed or have been coded wrongly. The result is that the contacts you have on hand can only be semi-reliably searched by keywords held within the role descriptions. All in all, a pretty hit-and-miss and time-consuming exercise.
How Contacts Get Missed
In missing your prospect’s specific management level or functional area, the best or most appropriate contacts often get ignored or, failing that, inappropriate ones get included. The very people you want reading your message are missed and the people whose eyeballs you don’t need are all over you.
Not getting the right message to the right person can only result in contacts unsubscribing or your brand getting ‘zoned-out’. Email fatigue is at an all-time high. Why wear out that valuable CFO with irrelevant messages?
More Time Wasted Hitting The Wrong Contacts
Worse still, you want to know what traction you are getting with the target audience. It’s great that Gary, the kid who replaces the toner cartridges is clicking on your carefully crafted emails but you don’t really want to waste time following him up? He’s a good kid and he’s ambitious but he has to work his way up from the ground floor and the printer keeps running low on toner!
Let Dave Fix Your Persona Segmentation Problems – For Good!
To the rescue comes DAVE. DAVE has a good look at the contact’s role description and codes those handy persona segmentation fields that can go into your CRM. To get to the right people in the right department and at the right level of seniority, all you now need to do is to make just a couple of mouse clicks. Simple!
Think of DAVE as being able to sort the wheat from the chaff, but in an email sense. And next time you see Gary, let him know he’s got a bright future.